Early Learning Facilities and Financing Study – (2017)
In 2016 – 2017, BEI prepared a comprehensive Child Care Needs Assessment for children 0-5, which included two online surveys. The first component of the study included a detailed supply and demand analysis for San Mateo County and each of its 20 cities/areas. The first survey focused on current child care providers to determine their current needs, and desires regarding new facilities or expansion of their existing facilities. The second survey targeted over 500 key stakeholders in San Mateo County, including planning directors, superintendents of school districts, city managers, faith-based leaders, etc. to gather information on potential child care sites, and buildings. A total of 20 sites were identified for further screening, and seven sites were evaluated for feasibility in being developed into new child care facilities. BEI prepared a detailed evaluation of the financial costs and needs to address current supply shortfalls, including a discussion and estimates of possible funding mechanisms, such as developer impact fees and parcel taxes. After this work was completed, the County’s Build Up San Mateo project was launched with the goal of developing 3,000 new child care spaces. As of 2022, approximately 2,200 spaces have either been completed or are in the planning process.